The classic children’s TV show Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood ran on PBS from February 1968 until the end of August 2001, and then again in reruns over a number of years. Each day, on the opening of the program, Mr. Rogers sang a song asking, ‘Please won’t you be my neighbor?’ Today, the simple tune is deeply ingrained in the American psyche.
Like Mr. Rogers, we believe that having neighbors and being a good neighbor is a wonderful addition to our daily lives. We also believe it’s just as important to talk about what it means to be a good neighbor, especially in an apartment community. Here’s a little primer on how to be a good apartment neighbor – one that would make Fred Rogers proud.
1. Remember The Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. Courtesy and kindness cost nothing, but they are the biggest gifts we can give to ourselves and others.
2. Be friendly, approachable, and proactive. Knowing who your neighbors are is important to everyone’s safety and security. Smile and say hello to people when you’re in the common areas. Introduce yourself. Take time to greet neighbors when you see them in the hallway.
Planning a party or get together at your apartment? Letting your neighbors know to to expect a bit of extra noise, guests, and activity can help nip any potential problems in the bud. Better yet, invite your neighbors, too!
3. Respect the common areas of your apartment community. Common areas are meant for everyone, so they’re part of everyone’s home. Observe the community rules, clean up after yourself, and be respectful of others’ space and boundaries.
4. Handle problems or issues with respect and courtesy. The most common issues for apartment living are noise levels or disregard for the common areas, like parking spaces. Neighbor playing music too loudly? Don’t be passive aggressive or confrontational. Simply knock on their door, politely state the problem and what you would like them to do about it. Most people will be happy to comply.
Still having issues? You can always refer the problem to the landlord or property manager for resolution – just remember, you’ll be living near these people until the lease ends, and likely longer. Try to solve issues yourself before involving management. A little understanding goes a long way with neighbors.
5. Community engagement: make the effort to attend community events. One of the best things about living in an apartment community is the chance to mix, mingle and enjoy community events with your neighbors. Most apartment communities offer a variety of opportunities to meet others with similar interests – from cooking classes and book clubs to pool parties and happy hours – try to attend an event or two each month.
In closing, being a good apartment neighbor is really that simple. Follow five basic rules, and every day can be a beautiful day in your apartment neighborhood. Excited to meet new neighbors? Check out our communities and make your move today.